Peran humas dalam membangun citra baik perusahaan pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (persero) Semarang
In the world bussines, customers are valluable assets for a company, especially for the companies in public service sector such as PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang. Positive customers opinion can establish good will of company. Good will is very important for company’s life , because good will can help the company to have a good relationship and acceptance from the customers and public in general. To establish of good will a company needs some one who can fungtion as public relations.
The purpose of this research was to identify the role of public relations to establish good will at PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang as seen from the dimensions of image such as perception, cognitions, motivations, and attitude.
This data for this project were quatitative and qualitative from primary and secondary data. The data were collected by doing interviews, observations and literature study.
The result of the interviews with the public relations of PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang that the determinant of image was perceived good by responden, there was perceptions as good, cognition as good, motivation as good and atitude as good.
When the result was analyed, it was concluded that the corporate image was good It
was recomended that the service quality and product quality as PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX
(Persero) Semarang should be improvedto increase customers loyality so that the good will would be establish.
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