Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Sebagai Dasar Dalam Penetapan Jabatan Karyawan Pada USP Swamitra Primkopti Semarang Timur
Companies assess job performance of employees by certain standards, so it can be known the relevant employee work performance their strengths and its shortcomings. For those who have high job performance will be given promotions, on the contrary an employee who was low job performance can be improved by moving their positions that match their skill or through education and training.
The objectives of this final project are to know the implementation of performance assessment as a basis in determining the position and the determination of office as a follow-up of employee performance appraisal at the USP Swamitra Primkopti Semarang Timur.
The method for this final project report is descriptive. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interview, and literature. Types of data are primary and secondary data.
The result of this final project is implementation of performance appraisal work on the USP Swamitra Primkopti Semarang Timur in 2007 indicated that no employee who obtained a value of less than 2,50 so that no employee who demotion. Meanwhile, those who obtained a value of between 2,50 to 3,49 for the mutation of two employees. There are three employees who received grades 3,50 – 3,99 for being promoted, employees who are promoted is because each aspect of the average valuation of the target standards set by the company.
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