Etika sekretaris general manager dalam bertelepon dan menerima tamu pada Patra Semarang convention hotel
The primary task of a secretary at Patra Semarang Convention Hotel is to assist the manager in running the business of the company and the entire working environment related to internal, external and personal parties. The primary tasks of the secretary are handling telephone, receiving guests and preparing and arranging meeting. These duties need ethics for creating harmony and balance relation.
The purpose of the study is to identify the tasks of the secretary in handling telephone, receiving guest to support general manager secretary job at Patra Semarang Convention Hotel. Data collecting methods used were interview, observation and literatur study while the writing method used was description method.
The handling telephone ethics are speaking clearly, respectfully, and helping the callers. The ethics of receiving guest are behaving respectfully, politely and the secretary should be attractive in style and friendly, it is expected the guest feels respected and satisfied. To prepare and to arrange meeting a secretary is to make meeting agenda, invitation, equipment, and notulen.
It is concluded that the general manager secretary ethics in handling
telephone and receinving guest at Patra Semarang Convention Hotel have been
applied well. It goes with the company regulation
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