Analisis pengaruh kualitas produk dan harga terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada CV Gendis Boga Ardians Semarang
These days, industrial world emulation was very tight. To win the emulation hence company have to can gratifying their customers by giving the quality of good product, cheap price, delivery which quickly, and better steward from its competitor (Supranto, 1997:1)
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of quality of product and price to satisfaction of customers CV. Gendis Boga Ardians Semarang. The independent variable ( X) were the quality of product ( X1) and price ( X2) while variable dependent ( Y) was customer satisfaction. The objects from this research were final consumer of bread gendis in South Semarang, by using method of accidental sampling. While the
methods of analysis used multiple linier regressions, determination coefficient andhypothesis test by significant test. The result of the regression analysis shows thatcoefficient of Y = 2.969 + 0.327 X1 + 0.912 X2. The determination coefficient shows thatAdjusted R2 = 0.622. The partial hypothesis shows that both of variable were proved influence quality product and price significant for customers’ satisfaction. While the results of simultaneous were quality product and price proved influence to customers’ satisfaction.
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