Pelayanan importasi barang dengan fasilitas pembebasan bea masuk dalam rangka re-impor pada kantor pengawasan dan pelayanan bea dan cukai tipe A I Tanjung Emas Semarang
Reimporting goods is a kind of import activity. The facility given to re-import activity is import duty-free. The Custom Office is a government institution that gives service on reimported goods. Therefore, I was motivated to write a Final Project entitled “Service on Imported Goods with Import Duty-Free at Tanjung Emas Semarang Custom Office”.
The aims of writing this final project are, firstly to identify the documents required on reimported goods and how to arrange the documents, and secondly to find out the procedure of reimported goods and the operating procedure of giving import duty-free.
The writing method in this final project is descriptive. Data are collected by observation, interview, on line access and literature study.
The documents required on reimported goods are the copy of “PEB” (Document of export clearance), Invoice, Bill of Lading or Airway Bill, insurance certificate and a letter certifying that goods must be reimported by completing “PIB” (import clearance). The importer must propose reimport application to the Chief of Tanjung Emas Semarang Custom Office to get the import duty-free facility.
It is concluded that the importer must complete an application for reimport activity to get the import duty-free. Finally, it is suggested that the Custom Office should improve the socialization of regulation on import duty-free facility by using internet, newspaper, radio, television and pamphlet media.
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