Pengaruh Retail Marketing Mix Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Matahari Departement Store Kudus
The primary purposes of this final project are to identify the influence of location, merchandise, pricing, promotion and advertising, shop atmophere, and retail service to consumer buying interest. The methods in collecting data were interview, distributing questionnaires to 100 consumer, and literature study.
The result of t test from the analysis indicated that t count location=3.399, merchandise= 3.463, pricing= 3.016, promotion and advertising= 3.066, shop atmosphere= 4.090, and retail service= 2.484 were bigger than t table 1.98 by using two side test of 2.5%. This shows that Ho was refused, it means that there was an influence of location, merchandise, pricing, promotion and advertising, shop atmosphere, and retail service to consumer buying interest. The F test from the analysis indicated that f count= 38.583 was bigger f table= 2.195. This shows that Ho was refused, it means there was a simultan influence of location, merchandise, pricing, promotion and advertising, shop atmosphere, and retail service to consumer buying interest. Then the result of multiple linier regression was Y=-11.298+0.293X1+0.326X2+0.305X3+0.223X4+0.27 9X5+0.190X6+e. It means that location, merchandise, pricing, promotion and advertising, shop atmosphere, and retail service had influence to consumer buying interest. The determination coefficien analysis indicated R square= 0.713, it means that location, merchandise, pricing, promotion and advertising,shop atmosphere, and retail service had influence as much as 71.3% on consumer buying interest.
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