Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada CV Mukti Manunggal Semarang
CV Mukti Manunggal Semarang represents a company which is active in printing office service, such as magazines, notes, forms, calendars, invitations, payment notes for the bank and others. But the amount of selling form printed by the company has fluctuated every month, as seen from January until December in year of 2008 and 2009.
The objective of this final duty was to find out the impact of quality and price toward purchasing decision. The data methods used were interviews and questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 50 responders. The analysis used was double-regression, correlation and determination.
The result of this final assignment are : partially, the quality has an effect on purchasing decision that is 27,23% (tcount 2,723). Partially, the price has an effect on purchasing decision, that is 23,64% (tcount 2,364). With tvalue is 1,678 hence Ha is accepted for the two variables. Simultantly, quality and price have an effect on purchasing decision with by fcount wquals to 8,252 bigger than ftables of 3,2. Thereby ha accepted.
In accordance to the result ot this study, hence the writer can suggest that CV Mukti Manunggal Semarang would be better to press down the price and to improve quality to be able to increase the sale of it’s product.
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