Pengaruh Promosi Jabatan Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Pada A Perum Bulog Divre Jateng
Basically Promotion is one part of a placement program conducted by the company. Placement of employees is done by making adjustments to the needs of companies related to planning for the right person in the right position.
The purpose of this final project is to determine the implementation of promotion on Divre BULOG Semarang in Central Java, to know the working motivation of employees at BULOG Divre Semarang in Central Java , and to know how much influence promotion of employee motivation BULOG Divre .
The analysis uses regression analysis with the outcome Y = 8306 + 0753 X which means that if the increased promotion, it will be followed by increasing of employees motivation. While the results of correlation analysis is R = 0764, this shows the can relations between promotion and strong work motivation is positive. R The coefficient of determination analysis is the value of 0.583, this means 58.3% a employees motivation is influenced by the promotion while the rest of 41.7% were influenced by other variables. And from the test coefficient is known that the t calculated is greater than t table for 2,482> 2,013, so it can conclusion that there are significant achievement motivation and promotion of employees in Semarang, Central Java Regional Division Bulog.
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