Pelaksanaan Penyimpanan Arsip Dengan Sistem Nomor Dalam Memudahkan Pencarian Arsip pada Bagian Umum dan SDM di PD. BPR BKK Boja Cabang Patebon Kendal
Filing is an activity of keeping on any media (paper, video, tapes, electronic media, etc.) that take place in an institution, agency or individual person. PD. BPR BKK BOJA Patebon Kendal Branch a company which in banking business in particular to serve small (micro) and middle.
General and HR Departement in PD. BPR BKK BOJA Patebon Kendal Branch use some filling storage systems, among others: the numbering and chronology system. It becomes an obstacle when the retrieval of an file due to lack of time efficiency required in the search archives.
The purpose of this Final Report, first to find out the procedure in filing storage at General and HR Departement in PD. BPR BKK BOJA Patebon Kendal Branch, secondly to know the number system to facilitate the use of search the archive, thirdly to overcome existing obstacle to the process of archival storage. The data were collected by observation, interview in the PD. BPR BKK BOJA Patebon Kendal Branch, and library study by reading the books of documents. The report is writter.
It is concluded that the use of numbering system in the General and HR Departement of PD. BPR BKK BOJA Patenon Kendal Branch greatly facilitate the retrieval of records needed.
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