Peran Account Officer dalam Melayani Nasabah Kredit Usaha Rakyat Pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Kendal
The development of today's business world has brought us into the world of business competition. Service is the key to make customers satisfied and loyal to the company. One company that is trying to retain customers is PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kendal Branch. One of the services of the company is to serve the people's business credit customers. The objectives to be achieved in the final project report is to investigate the role of the customer account officer in serving the credit business people, tasks and responsibilities of account officer, the obstacles encountered in the provision of credit of borrowers / customers KUR, and customer satisfaction
The final task method of collecting data uses several techniques, there are observations,interviews,questionnaires,and literature studies. The research method used in this research is descriptive analysis, methods used applies random sampling method, it covers of 85 respondents. each question consists of indicators of service: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible.
The results show that the account officer has provided services according to customers needs. The accounts officer is in charge of providing the required customer information and responsibly develop our relationships with customers. The obstacles encountered in the provision of credit account officer include searching the prospective customer and the bank is still a lot of competitors. The majority of customers stated that the service was well received. this is proved by the Customer Satisfaction Index (IKP), which showed every variable of 70% on average.The evidence suggests that the majority of customers are very satisfied.
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