SWOT Analysis As The Basic Of Competitive Strategy Formulation On Financing (Case Study At Pt. BPR Syariah Suriyah Cilacap)
The objectives of this research are to know the internal factors (strength and weakness) and the external factors (opportunity and threat) on financing at BPRS Suriyah Cilacap, and to formulate competitive strategy on financing at BPRS Suriyah Cilacap to face the competition. The population in this research is the banking staff and the financing customers of BPRS Suriyah Cilacap. The sample consists of two groups, namely the internal respondent, from the management of BPRS Suriyah Cilacap, and the external respondent, from the financing customers of BPRS Suriyah Cilacap.
Data used is primary data and secondary data. These data are then analyzed with descriptive quantitative method, namely uses Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS), External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS), and SWOT diagram, and SWOT matrix.
The SWOT analysis result shows that financing at BPRS Suriyah Cilacap is located in quadrant I. Then the strategy can be applied is an aggressive/growth strategy. In this case, growth strategies that can be applied by management of BPRS Suriyah Cilacap in the term financing are concentration strategy and market expansion strategy. While based on analysis in SWOT matrix, the strategy that proper to used is SO strategy, WO strategy, and WT strategy. SO strategies that can be applied, namely (1) Maintain the trust/confidence that has been given by the society of Cilacap on financing product quality in the BPRS Suriyah Cilacap as a form of maintenance image of BPRS Suriyah Cilacap, and (2) Be selective in take-over financing. WO strategy that can be applied is improving the quality of financing human resources by scheduled training programs. WT strategy that can be applied is increasing sensitivity in analyze the character and repay ability of prospective financing customers.
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