Peran Bidang Sekretariatan Dalam Menunjang Efektifitas Pimpinan pada perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Brebes
The purpose of this final project entitled: “ROLE OF SECRETARIAT IN SUPPORTING THE WORKING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COMPANY HEAD AT RUNNING WATER COMPANY OF BREBES SUB-PROVINCE” is to know the secretarial activities and the role of the secretariat in helping leaders at running water company at Brebes sub-province .
The final project in eritten descriptively method the data collecting method are observation, interview and also library studies.
It shows that the secretariat of running water company of Brebes Sub-province activiti are is serving visitors, handling telephone, handling incoming and outgoing mail and document arrangement. The role of running water company of Brebes Sub-provincesecretariat is assist the task of leadership and establish cooperation and communication for the leadership with outsiders concerned with the management
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