Aktiviats Impor Bahan Baku Mesin Diesel Pada PT. Kubota Indonesia
The purposes of this study were to know the activity of importing raw material for diesel engine at PT KUBOTA INDONESIA, the parties involved in import transactions, the related documents, and the import barriers in the transaction.
The final project was written descriptively providing accurate facts, clear and appropriate to the field. The types of data used were qualitative data, quantitative data. The collection method of this final project were of observation, interviews and literature studies.
The activity of importing raw material for diesel engine starting from receiving the order of goods provided by the purchase order form provided by the vendor until the goods ordered to the warehouse in PT KUBOTA INDONESIA. The needed documents for importing the raw material for diesel engines at at PT KUBOTA INDONESIA were : Bill of Lading, PIB, Commercial Invoice, Packing List. PT KUBOTA INDONESIA used the payment system of Open Account in importing the raw material for diesel engine.
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