The objective of this final report was to know the influence of discipline on employee’s performance at PT Phapros, Tbk Semarang. Observations, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies were the instruments used to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 85 employees as respondents. The analysis data used the method of multiple linear regression coefficient analysis. Regres…
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the variable of direct financial compensation and non financial compensation simultaneously have a significant influence on the performance of employees, T test and F test instruments are used to employees data. In determining variables from direct financial compensation and non financial compensation whether having dominant influence on employe…
Employee is an important factor in a company. To improve emlpoyees performance, PT Nasmoco Authorized Toyota Dealer Branch Gombel Semarang, has objective traning programs for their employees, especially for operational employees. The objective of this study is to identify influence of training program on emloyees performance at PT Nasmoco Authorized Toyota Dealer Branch Gombel Se…
The objective of this final report is to find out the influence of education and working period to employees performance at PT Jasa Raharja (Perserp) Branch Central Java. Observations, questionnaires, and literature studies were the instruments to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 39 employees as respondents. The analysis data used the method of multiple linier regression coeff…
The Impacts of Internal Communication on Employees’ Performance at Finance and Personnel Department in PT Wijaya Karya Beton Sales Region IV Communication is a basic human activity, both individuals and organizations. With good communication, the performance of a company can run smoothly and successfully. This final project aims to determine the impacts of internal communication on employe…