Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja, meliputi: perspektif keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal dan pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan dengan metode Balanced Scorecard pada RSUD Dr. R. Soeprapto Cepu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan RSUD Dr. R. Soeprapto Cepu tahun 2013 dan 2014, pasien dan karyawan RSUD Dr. R. Soeprapto Cepu. Teknik pengambilan sampel dala…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penilaian kembali terhadap tata kelola keamanan informasi, melakukan pengukuran menggunakan indeks KAMI berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2009, menganalisa hasil pengukuran serta merumuskan tindak lanjut atas hasil penilaian pada PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandar Udara Internasional Ahmad Yani Semarang. Data diperoleh dengan cara studi pustaka, wawanca…
Artificial lighting system in the hotel building must be taken to ensure that the facilities provided can be operated with either. One way is to measure the intensity of artificial lighting using a lux meter or using an existing formula, analyzed by comparing the intensity of artificial lighting that is with SNI 03-6575-2001 about artificial lighting, and well planned maintenance. The purpose o…
The demand of catfish increases every year but the production in this province does not fulfill market need. This fact inspired us to develop Sangkuriang catfish breeding. The purpose of this project is to carried out catfish cultivation new bussiness with investor donation, and pressed production cost by produce feed independently. The method of this …
Welfare programme is given by Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah that is, jamsostek, transportation money, festal day competation, money for food, insurance, canteen, mosque, and vehicle. The purpose of this research is to find out the employees perception on welfare programme at Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah. The method of collecting data are observation, interview, questionnaires, and …
CV Sri Rejeki Mas is one of furniture exporter in Central Java. Even though CV Sri Rejeki Mas is an exporter, it still uses manual system legacy, such as goods supply, sales records, personnel and salary system. Certainly, this situation might cause and take time to record and process the data. The purpose of this Final Report is to design a new Goods Supply Information System at CV Sri Rejek…
The current use of computer is much for the purposes of data processing in both small quantities and in relatively large amounts. Before the advent of computers, data were processed manually, all work as taking notes, creating forms, creating charts and graphs, presenting financial data, doing calculations performed by humans those consumed much time and often led to errors caused by man himsel…
Perum Perhutani (State Owned Forest Enterprise) institution trusted to manage the forest resources in Java plays an important role to secure all forest state lands in Java and Madura as supporting system for environment, social and economy of the people in Java. In line with the task, Perum Perhutani is demanded to become a healthy corporation seen from forestry point of view, and from its op…
In globalization era, by opening of CAFTA 2010 export and import activities increased. This is a potential aspect to support Indonesian economic growth. In Indonesia there is a government institution whose driven to protect the safely of Indonesia. The General Customs and Excise have a big responsibility for the goods which entered and go out of the customs area. Especially for the goods in …