Teknologi RFID atau Radio Frequency Identification adalah suatu metode identifikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan atau mengambil dari jarak tertentu dengan menggunakan sarana alat yang disebut RFID tag atau transponder. Teknologi ini tidak hanya bisa beroperasi sendiri, namun dapat terhubung pula dengan web server. Web Server merupakan komputer yang dikhususkan untuk menaruh data website…
Bandara Domine Eduard Osok merupakan bandara di Kabupaten Sorong yang masih mengadopsi sistem keamanan secara manual atau dengan kata lain, pemeriksaan masih dilakukan secara langsung oleh pihak keamanan bandara dalam pemeriksaan ID card karyawan. Sistem pemeriksaan secara manual tersebut bisa saja terjadi kesalahan dalam pemeriksaan karena kelalaian dari petugas. Prototype Sistem Keamanan Runa…
Elektronik-Kartu Tanda Penduduk (E-KTP) adalah kartu identitas resmi warga negara Indonesia yang dikembangkan dengan teknologi RFID yang ditanam di dalam lapisan kartu. RFID ini menyimpan informasi lengkap pemilik KTP yang dapat dibaca langsung oleh perangkat E-KTP Reader. E-KTP masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan administrasi perkantoran. Oleh karena itu, dalam tugas akhir ini dibu…
The Influence Of Discipline On The Working Performance Of Employees at PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Beton Sales Region IV Semarang Discipline is a important things on human resources management. Because, if the employees are discipline, the company can easily reach its goals. The objective of this final project report is to find out the influence of dicipline on the performance of employees at PT Wi…
ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF ABILITY AND WORK MOTIVATION TO EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE AT PT PURINUSA EKAPERSADA SEMARANG The objective of this final project report is to find out the influence of ability and work motivation to employees’ performance at PT Purinusa Ekapersada Semarang. Questionnaries and literature studies were the instrument to collect data. Qustionnaries were distributed t…
IMPLEMENTATION OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ( IMS ) AT PERUM PERHUTANI DIVISI REGIONAL JAWA TENGAH The purposes of this study are to determine the Implementation of Performance Management which is applied at Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division and to explore and describe the constraints in the implementation of Performance Management. Method of collecting data in this study is intervie…
The Influence of Leadership Style and Work Motivation to Employes Perfomance at Hotel Grasia Semarang. The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of leadership style and work motivation on employees performance at Hotel Grasia Semarang. Data were taken by using questionnaires for 50 respondents from 101 employees. The method of sampling is by probability sampling, and data were ana…
Analysis on The Influence of Performance Mnagement System, Salary and Wealth Facility on Employees Work Motivation at Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division. The purpose of the research is to identifyed the influence of Performance Management System on Employees Work Motivation at Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division, to identifyed the influence of Salary Payment on Employee…
THE INFLUENCE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH TOWARD PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES OF PT PLN (PERSERO) DISTRIBUTION MANAGER AREA CENTRAL JAVA AND YOGYAKARTA The purpose of the study was to explain the influence of occupational safety and health toward performance of employees of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Manager Area Central Java and Yogyakarta. The method for doing the research was regressi…
INFLUENCE OF JOB SATISFACTION TOWARD PERFORMANCE OF BADAN PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH SEMARANG REGENCY'S EMPLOYEES The purpose of the study were to find out job satisfaction of BAPPEDA Semarang Regency’s employees, to find out performance of BAPPEDA Semarang Regency’s employees, and to find out influence of job satisfaction toward performance of BAPPEDA Semarang Regency’s employees. …