Office space arrangement is important to succeed the company, and Administration division of Balai Besar Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri Semarang has function to seek the services of research, therefore the Administration division needs office space arrangement to improve the employees performance efficiency. The objective of this report is to examine the arrangement of equ…
The objective of this final report was to know the influence of discipline on employee’s performance at PT Phapros, Tbk Semarang. Observations, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies were the instruments used to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 85 employees as respondents. The analysis data used the method of multiple linear regression coefficient analysis. Regres…
Tujuan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan KPRI Bhakti Praja melalui perhitungan rasio likuiditas, solvabilitas, rentabilitas dan aktivitas. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan 4 Rasio keuangan. Perhitungan rasio likuiditas tiap tahunnya mengalami penurunan yaitu sebesar 126,05%, 124,72% dan 123,24. Rasio solvabilitas pada tahun 2012 mengalami kenaikan dibandingkan tahun 2011 y…
Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan daerahnya. Sehingga dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam mengatur dan mengurus daerahnya. Metode penulisan menggunakan metode deskripsi dan metode eksposisi. Laporan yang digunakan dalam …
CSR (Corporate Social resposibility) is an obligation and corporate responsibility towards society and the environment to improve the quality of life and social environment. The purpose of CSR is to improve and strengthen relationship between company and society. Moreover CSR can be an instrument to develop society’s economic condition. It is not only to know the implementation of act…
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the variable of direct financial compensation and non financial compensation simultaneously have a significant influence on the performance of employees, T test and F test instruments are used to employees data. In determining variables from direct financial compensation and non financial compensation whether having dominant influence on employe…
Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesehatan bank berdasarkan komponen Likuiditas, Rentabilitas dan Permodalan pada PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero),Tbk Periode 2013. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pada Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia (SEBI) No.13/24/DPNP tanggal 25 Oktober 2011 dan menggunakan dua metode analisis yaitu analisis kinerja kesehatan d…
Employee is an important factor in a company. To improve emlpoyees performance, PT Nasmoco Authorized Toyota Dealer Branch Gombel Semarang, has objective traning programs for their employees, especially for operational employees. The objective of this study is to identify influence of training program on emloyees performance at PT Nasmoco Authorized Toyota Dealer Branch Gombel Se…
The objective of this final report is to find out the influence of education and working period to employees performance at PT Jasa Raharja (Perserp) Branch Central Java. Observations, questionnaires, and literature studies were the instruments to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 39 employees as respondents. The analysis data used the method of multiple linier regression coeff…
The objective of this final report is to know influence of the implementation of performance management system (PMS) to employee’s performance at Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah. Observations, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies are the instruments used to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 57 employees as respondents. The analysis…