Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses identifikasi, pengukuran, pemantauan, dan pengendalian risiko kredit yang terjadi dalam penyaluran Kredit Modal Kerja serta mengetahui penyediaan modal minimum pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Kantor Cabang Pembantu Ambarawa. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Adapun data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder…
Di Industri Indonesia yang semakin berkembang ini, peranan manusia perlahanlahan digeser dan digantikan dengan sistem kontrol industri otomatis. Banyak industri yang umumnya menggunakan Programmable Logic Control (PLC) karena kemudahan penggunaannya dan efektifitas biaya yang dikeluarkan. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut, maka dibuatlah suatu modul penyeleksi kemasan bahan gelas berlabel yang …
Davit Trimarsudi, Delta Alghifariq, Pieters Hernanda, “Otomasi Pengisian Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Berbasis PLC”, Tugas Akhir DIII Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Semarang, di bawah bimbingan Ilham Sayekti, S.T, M. Kom. dan Ibu Sri Kusumastuti, S.T., M.Eng. 10 Februari 2015, 59 halaman (21 halaman lampiran). Alat ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk merancang dan mengaplikasikan system…
The objective of this final project is to determine the influence of brand extension and product quality on consumers’ buying decision Antimo Eucalyptus Oil (Case Study in Promotion Event of PT. Phapros, Tbk Semarang Branch). The method for doing the research is regression analysis. The method used in the research is multiple liniear regression analysis. The sampling technique used in this s…
Bus Trans Semarang is one of a means of mass transportation in Semarang city. Service quality and Customer satisfaction are very important to create loyalty. This research aimed to analyze the influence of Service quality and Customer Satisfaction on customer loyalty on Bus Trans Semarang. The purposes of this final project are to determine the influence of Service quality and Customer Sat…
Telkom Plaza Semarang is one of the services PT. Telecommunications Indonesia is located on Jl. 10 Pahlawan Semarang. Telkom Plaza Semarang is a place where consumers do a variety of needs ranging from additional services and asked complaints relating to Telkom products. To increase of the consumer's satisfaction of Plasa Telkom Semarang by way of service quality. According to the consumer…
PT Indonesia Comnets Plus Founded on October 3, 2000, PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON +) focuses on providing networking, services, and telecommunications content, specifically to support the technology and information systems to PT PLN (Persero) and the public. Therefore, the Company entered into various featured services such as Clear Channel, Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), broadband …
Every company will face tight competition with other companies. One of the best efforts to keep and get customers is by managing service quality, product quallity and word of mouth. The objectives of this research is to analyze how far the influence of service quality and product quality on interest to choose (WOM) tourist bus PO. Nugroho Semarang. The object in this research is passenger…
The purposes of this study were to analyze the influence of psychographic factors and purchasing decision on customer’s satisfaction and to find out how great the influence of psychographic factors and purchasing. This research used simple random sampling which is one kind of probability sampling and used 100 samples as respondent. The samples were people who used WIFI.ID in WIFI Corner Semar…
Tight competition makes every company becomes such an organization that focus on consuments. One way to reach the target is by creating the consument satisfactions with increasing the quality, because becomes the main priority when we note up about the satisfaction and service quality. In the range of service quality there are 5 dimensions, they are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assur…