In a company, the human resources are the most important role and potential for success of a company. Therefore, in order that each employee has a good performance to make a company become successful then the company needs to make its employees have work discipline and the company give work motivation. Work discipline and the provision of work motivation may affect employee job satisfaction. …
The influence of product, price and location toward the consumers buying interest in Rasamalatraditional market Banyumanik Semarang The market was resulted from the desire of some people to obtain their needs. The existence of traditional markets in Indonesia over the yearswas eroded by the spread of the modern market. Clean, fixed price, a comfortable place, qualified products and good zoning…
Title: The Analysis Of Job’s Satisfaction, Job’s Security and Organizationalal Commitment Against Turnover Intention In Weaving Department of PT Batam Textile Industry. In an organization, what makes an employee leave or intend to leave are always become the big question for any company, as perceived by the employees of PT Batamtex which is established as the textile industry. To know the…
Title: The Effect of Organizational Culture and Working Motivation to the Job’s Satisfaction of Employees at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Semarang Regional Office. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of organizational culture and work motivation to job satisfaction of employees in PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Semarang Regional Office. The population in…
ANALYSIS INFLUENCE OF NON FINANCIAL COMPENSATION TO JOB SATISFACTION OF PT JASA RAHARJA (Persero) CABANG JAWA TENGAH The primary purpose of this final project is to identify the influence of non financial compensation such as work environment and work to job satisfaction and to find out the most influential variable in job satisfaction of PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Jawa Tengah. The sampl…
THE INFLUENCE OF SERVICE EXCELLENCE ON CONSUMER SATISFACTION TOURIST BUS PO. NUGROHO SEMARANG. The studys is about the influence of service excellene on consumer satisfaction tourist bus PO. Nugroho Semarang. Variables used in this study is the attitude, attention and, action which is then translated into several item variables. The objective of the study is to analyze the influence of appl…
THE INFLUENCE OF SERVICE QUALITY TOWARD CONSUMERS SATISFACTION AT PT NASMOCO GOMBEL SEMARANG Technological developments of the automotive world today are very fast, so do not be surprised that the automotive business competition is very tight. Quality of service is also a key to the success of a company. Thus, PT Nasmoco Gombel Semarang should pay attention to the quality of services provided t…
“THE ANALYSIS OF EXPORT VALUE, INTEREST RATES, LABOUR WAGES, AND GROSS REGIONAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT TO FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN CENTRAL JAVA” This study is intended to find out that the exports value, interest rates, labour wages, and gross regional domestic product, have an effect toward the value of foreign investment in Central Java. The analysis techniques used in this study is the…
THE INFLUENCE OF EXCELLENT SERVICE TO THE CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION AT PT PLN (PERSERO) RAYON SEMARANG SELATAN This study aimed to analyze the influence of excellent service to the customers satisfaction and to analyze the most dominant variable influencing customers satisfaction at PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan. The sample used in this study involved 100 respondent. As for the sampl…
TITLE: ANALYSIS OF THE LEVEL OF SERVICE SATISFACTION IN THE AUCTION SECTION OF AUCTION AT “KANTOR PELAYANAN KEKAYAAN NEGARA DAN LELANG (KPKNL)” SEMARANG This research aims to understand the level of service satisfaction of user in “Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara” (KPKNL) Semarang. The population in this research is all customers that have used the service of auction at “Kantor Pela…