Sistem dan Prosedur Pemberian Kredit pada PT BPR BKK Kota Semarang (Perseroda) Cabang Gayamsari = System and Procedures for Granting Credit to PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari Branch
This study aims to determine the systems and procedures for extending credit as well as the obstacles and how to overcome them at PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari branch. This research is a descriptive analysis research by conducting direct observations, interviews and documentation, then the results are made in the form of a flowchart and an explanation of the results of the flowchart will be carried out. The object of this research is at PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari branch. The results showed that the systems and procedures for granting credit at PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari branch were in accordance with the procedural provisions, although in practice there were still obstacles that hindered the credit granting process. Obstacles in the credit granting procedure at PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari branch included false information provided by prospective customers during the credit granting process. The way to overcome obstacles at PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari branch is to conduct a visit or survey of the prospective customer's residence so that a more in-depth search for information can be carried out so that the company gets true information
Keywords: Credit granting system, Procedure for granting credit, PT BPR BKK Semarang City (Perseroda) Gayamsari branch
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