Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada PT Jamkrida Jateng = The Effect of Physical and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT Jamkrida Jateng
The Effect of Physical and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT Jamkrida Jateng
PT Jamkrida Jateng is located at Jalan Setia Budi No. 128, Sumurboto, Banyumanik, Semarang Central Java. It has obtained a business license from the Financial Services Authority (OJK). The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the physical work environment, non-physical work environment on employee job satisfaction. The data collection method in this study are by observation, questionnaires and literature. The sample used in this study are 30 samples, employees of PT Jamkrida Jateng. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. Based on the t test shows that partially, the physical work environment and non-physical work environment have significant and positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Based on the F test shows that the physical work environment and non-physical work environment together have significant and positive effect on employee job satisfaction. The calculation results obtained Y = 4.873 + 0.389 X1 + 0.507 X2. the results of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) show that 0.570 or 57% of employee job satisfaction is explained by the physical work environment and non-physical work environment, while 43% is explained by other factors which are not examined in this study.
Keywords: Physical Work Environment, Non-Physical Work Environment, Job Satisfaction.
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