INFLUENCE OF JOB SATISFACTION TOWARD PERFORMANCE OF BADAN PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH SEMARANG REGENCY'S EMPLOYEES The purpose of the study were to find out job satisfaction of BAPPEDA Semarang Regency’s employees, to find out performance of BAPPEDA Semarang Regency’s employees, and to find out influence of job satisfaction toward performance of BAPPEDA Semarang Regency’s employees. …
THE INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY, PRICE AND ADVERTISING APPEAL ON THE WILLINGNESS TO BUY INDIHOME ( CASE STUDY IN SEMARANG ). Indihome is a new innovation product of Telkom so the company wants to know people’s willingness to buy Indihome. The objective of this final report was to find out the influence of product quality, price and advertising appeal on the willingness to buy indihome in Se…
The level of customers’ satisfaction on the service at General Affairs Division at “Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara” (KPKNL) Semarang. This research aims to understand the service quality and satisfaction of user in “Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara” (KPKNL) Semarang. The population in this research is all customers that have used the service in “Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara…
ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF SERVICE QUALITY DRIVING LICENSE C TOWARD APPLICANT SATISFACTION AT SATLANTAS POLRES PEMALANG The purpose of this study to analyse influence of Service Quality Driving Lisence C with tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance dimension toward public satisfaction at Satlantas Polres Pemalang The research used Incidental sampling of 100 samples. …
Potensi energi angin di Indonesia sangat melimpah namun rata-rata kecepatan angin di Indonesia rendah yaitu berkisar 2,5 m/s sampai 6 m/s. Turbin angin multiblade mampu berputar pada kecepatan angin tersebut. Untuk mengkonversi energi angin menjadi listrik dibutuhkan generator yang sesuai. Rancang bangun turbin angin multiblade memiliki diameter turbin angin 90 cm, sudu berjumlah 10, dengan pan…
Penulisan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja dari penukar panas dengan diameter tabung yang berbeda di PT. PJB UP PLTA CIRATA, yaitu penukar panas dengan diameter tabung lama dengan ukuran 9 mm dan penukar panas dengan diameter tabung baru dengan ukuran 13 mm. Data yang diambil merupakan data rekap dan data dokumen pada waktu tanggal 6-10 April 2015 dan dokumen tahun 2002 yang m…
Motor listrik Induced Draft Fan merupakan suatu peralatan yang digunakan untuk menggerakkan baling-baling ID Fan yang terhubung langsung dengan poros motor. Motor listrik banyak digunakan di dunia industri khususnya pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap. Oleh karena itu Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menghitung besarnya nilai efisiensi motor Induced Draft Fan A pada PLTU Tanjung Jati B Unit 1 saa…
ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF MARKETING MIX (PRODUCT, PROMOTION, PRICE, AND PLACE) TO CUSTOMERS PURCHASING DECISION RETIREMENT SAVINGS INSURANCE PRODUCT OF PT ASURANSI JIWASRAYA (PERSERO) AREA WEST SEMARANG. Retirement saving product insurance is a product that guarantees the payment of the value of retirement saving in the amount of cash at the end the period insurance. The company should be c…
Title: Marketing Strategiesfor Increasing The Volume of Selling at PT Wijaya Karya Beton Sales region IV Semarang PT Wijaya Karya Beton Sales Region IV Semarang is one of the companies engaged in the production of precast concrete industry. To deal with increasingly fierce competition, the company must do a proper marketing strategy to increase sales volume. The purpose of writing this final p…